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Results 21-40 of 42 for John Barrett

The Rise of Home Networking in Europe

At the end of 2004, it appeared the home networking phenomenon was bypassing Europe. Penetration rates were far behind North America and Asia, and only a few households (less than 5 percent) were interested in a home network. Broadband adoption was likewise lackluster. In many of Europe's leading markets, just one-fifth of all households had high-speed access, and without broadband, home networks are of limited utility...

AT&T Aims to Dazzle Consumers With Shine Cell Phone

There is an ongoing tension between content providers and operators whereby operators want content tied to the phone, and content providers want every channel playing nothing but their content, John Barrett, director of research with Parks Associates, told TechNewsWorld Inhere...

Will Amazon’s Kindle Spark an E-Reading Revolution?

Ultimately, much of Kindle's success may depend on whether users find the experience close enough to "being curled up in a chair reading a book -- it's just not the same with this kind of 'Star Trek' panel," John Barrett, director of research at Parks Associates, told TechNewsWorld...

Amazon Aims to Kindle Interest in E-Books

"It's an interesting idea, and the idea is compelling enough that a lot of people have tried it, but it never really seems to find a fit with consumers," John Barrett, director of research at Parks Associates, told TechNewsWorld The problem is that e-books do not make for a be...

New Dell XPS 420 Desktop Takes Page From Apple’s Playbook

Gaming PCs that have been around for a several years are a very good example of a successful PC customization and software integration, John Barrett, a Parks Associates analyst, told TechNewsWorld. They also point to an effort by the industry to take advantage of the power in today's computers...

MySpace TV to Air Bite-Sized Serial Drama

While MySpace TV hosts a number of original Web series, this foray into original scripted episodes marks the first time that the social network has co-developed a series. With serialized content of all lengths available, the line between traditional TV and Web-based content has become blurry, said John Barrett, a Parks Associates analyst. Right now there is a lot of experimentation going on among the social networks...

MySpace-Skype Deal Turns Keyboard Clatter to Chatter

Indeed, social networks in general and MySpace in particular are increasingly becoming a communications medium, added John Barrett, director of research with Parks Associates. "I think social networks are the dial tone for the next generation. People plug in when they want to, they exchange messages openly or privately, and then they unplug again. Adding voice to that is a really smart move."

New MTV Social Net Capitalizes on Youth Idealism

Social networking and social media in general allows for a more engaging experience, said John Barrett, an analyst at Parks Associates, and some consumers want that "If you leverage that in the right way, you can make the service you offer better for everyone by coming up with...


Web 2.0: Democracy or Anarchy?

In his new book, "The Cult of the Amateur," Andrew Keen publicly and pugnaciously says many of the things people were quietly thinking about Web 2.0. He refers to bloggers as a "pajama army" wreaking cultural havoc from their parents' basements ...

Nokia Takes On Apple With New Devices, Services

"It's very obvious that the trend is leading to more content across more screens, and there are going to be more options on PC, TV and mobile phone," John Barrett, director of research for Parks Associates, told TechNewsWorld As content options increase, there may be some trad...

Internet Radio Negotiations Bear Fruit

Indeed, "it's very clear to everybody that right now the deck is being reshuffled," added Parks Director of Research John Barrett. "Everyone wants to work out a deal in their favor, because once the agreements are made, inertia could carry them forward for decades." A Break fo...

From LPs to CDs: Last of the Line Turns 25

"The analogy I like to use is that CDs are like paper," John Barrett, director of research for Parks Associates, told TechNewsWorld. "When office automation began, everyone started talking about the promise of the paperless office, but that just hasn't happened." Consumers hav...


Beware of the Pirates!

In 1998, Napster took college campuses by storm and quickly ushered in an era where anyone could download any song they wanted without paying for it. The record labels were caught off guard and spent years debating the best way to respond ...

America Offline: Many Don’t Surf, Many Don’t Care

This year's Internet subscription figures are actually better than last year's, according to Parks' Director of Research John Barrett. "This time around, 29 percent said they don't have it and they're not interested," he told TechNewsWorld. "The previous year, that was about 34 percent."

Google Will Forget You Asked

The policy switch could also be a response to Google's tussle in 2006 with the U.S. Department of Justice, John Barrett, research director at Parks Associates, told TechNewsWorld. Google refused to comply with a government subpoena demanding random data on some Web searches and Web sites it indexes. Google Cofounder and President, Sergey Brin said that it was their "obligation to use the law to the farthest possible means to protect our users' privacy."


Living in Digital Hell

I'm an early adopter. I don't just analyze technology from the safety of my own cubicle; I bring it into my home and live with it ...

Yahoo Folds Instant Messaging Into Its E-Mail Service

Yahoo's action "is nothing new" and is in response to "an overall trend moving away from e-mail toward instant messaging that is definitely true among the younger demographic," John Barrett, who studies digital communication trends as director of research for Parks Associates, told TechNewsWorld...


MySpace Is a Natural Monopoly

Economics teaches that the market for some goods and services are "natural" monopolies ...

Internet Subscriber Growth May Be Stalling, Report Suggests

"We are clearly facing a problem of demand, not supply," said John Barrett, director of research at Parks Associates. "Computers and Internet service have never been cheaper, yet many households still show little enthusiasm for the technology." Won't Subscribe at Any Price...

Yahoo Local Goes Mobile

The new service is unlikely to create a big stir, one analyst said."I think most people will still prefer to make notes with pen and paper,"John Barrett, director of research at Parks Associates, told TechNewsWorldwhen asked if he imagined widespread use of the feature Stuck B...

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