
Results 1261-1280 of 1500 for John P. Mello Jr..

Music Scene May Be Unchanged by MySpace Move

A deal announced Tuesday between social networking Goliath MySpace and digital content manager Snocap will have a marginal impact on Internet music sales, according to some observers of the market. Under the deal, Los Angeles-based MySpace and San Francisco-based Snocap will make tools available to ...


Free Podcasting Program Hectic but Fun

So all this hype about podcasting has tickled your curiosity, but you haven't a clue where to start. Try WildVoice. Currently in beta, WildVoice is a Web site designed for creating and hosting podcasts. Not only can you create podcasts directly at the site, but WildVoice offers free audio mixing sof...


New Gateway Ultra Notebook Is Ultra Fine

It's always been a rule in the technology world that the smaller/lighter/thinner something is, the more you're going to pay for it. That's especially true when it comes to "ultra"-portable notebook computers -- mighty machines packed with power and weighing in at around three pounds. With its latest...


VideoStudio 10 Crams Editing, Authoring Into Impressive Package

There are two schools of thought when it comes to consumer video editing programs. One school believes that most videographers want to create their movies with as little human intervention as possible. The other school argues that consumers want as much control as they can get to put their stamp on ...


Checklist Puts Your To-Do List on Steroids

To-do lists have been a staple for software writers since the invention of the personal computer. Maybe that's because we all have things to do and never tire of finding better and faster ways to get them done. For many of us, a simple pad and paper, or the rudimentary to-do list in a personal dig...

Google’s Picasa Photo Software Finds Its Web Legs

I've been using Picasa since before Google bought it, and have found the feisty program a gem for managing my growing library of digital photos, as well as a handy tool for quick tinkering with snapshots when launching a full-blown image editor would be overkill. I always look forward to each iterat...


Kodak’s EasyShare V610 Camera Doubles the Fun

Trading digital electronics for mechanical parts has given camera makers an opportunity to tinker with the design of their wares in inventive ways, none more so than Kodak. The Rochester, N.Y.-based company that brought film photography to the masses -- by making cameras easy to use and film easy to...


RCA’s ‘Small Wonder’ Makes Wonderful Videos

A friend of mine once told me he mourned the fading fortunes of point-and-shoot film cameras. It was a momentary lamentation induced by his wife's struggles with her new digital camera. Film is simple, he reasoned. You shoot your pictures. You take your film to the drugstore. You get your prints. Wi...


Latest Nero Multimedia Suite Goes Beyond Burning

When it comes to software, there are two schools of thought about tackling a basket of tasks. You can try attacking each task separately with an individual application, or you can look for a Swiss Army knife software suite to mount a unified assault on them. If the all-in-one approach appeals to you...


Software Takes Hassle Out of Creating Slideshows

Remember the effort it took to put together a photo slideshow? First, you had to load slides into carousels. "Now let me see, should the printing on the slide face me or face away from me? How did that slide get in there upside down? Now it's time to lug the projection screen from the closet." That ...


New Sony Camera Line Offers Outstanding Value

Sony built its reputation in the electronics field on the premium thesis. Sure, there may be lower priced competitors in the market, but they couldn't beat Sony for quality, design and sheer wow factor. Consumers recognized that, and they have been willing to pay a premium for it. With Sony's new "W...

Innovation Best Antidote for Piracy in China

When China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001 it was thought the move would induce the nation to toe the line on the theft of intellectual property within its borders, but that hasn't been the case -- and it won't be until the Asian giant steps up its efforts at innovation, according to one...


Program Provides Solution to the Sharing Challenge

Everywhere you turn these days in the digital world you'll run into touts about sharing. Share files. Share photos. Share video. That's fine, but someone forgot to tell the e-mail providers about this sharing craze. They're still putting limits on attachments to e-mail messages that put a grave crim...

Watch Out iTunes, Here Comes moMusic

By creating a synergistic relationship between online music downloads and its iPod hardware, Apple Computer has made it very difficult for competitors to pry market share from the Cupertino, Calif.-based company. A growing shift in the music buying habits of consumers could give those coveting a big...

Portable E-Newspapers Seen on Horizon

The announcement by Seiko Epson on Monday of a new electronic "paper" display with the highest resolution seen in the technology to date appears to be another sign that the newspaper of the future is close at hand. The 7.1-inch prototype revealed by Epson and which incorporates technology developed ...


Online Service Offers Two Gigs of Free Backup

While I must confess I've never been a fan of online backup solutions, there was something about Mozy that tempted me to use it. Mozy is one of those new breed applications mushrooming under the umbrella Web 2.0, or the New Web. What's Web 2.0? Best I can tell, it's, in part, about creating a deskto...


Online Service Offers Two Gigs of Backup for Free

While I must confess I've never been a fan of online backup solutions, there was something about Mozy that tempted me to use it. Mozy is one of those new breed applications mushrooming under the umbrella Web 2.0, or the New Web. What's Web 2.0? Best I can tell, it's, in part, about creating a deskto...


TuneUp Keeps PCs in Tip-Top Shape

As Windows computers get long in the tooth, they require special attention to keep running at an optimal level. Hard disks and registries need to be cleaned and defragmented. Settings need to be tweaked. All those things can be done manually, or individual programs can be obtained to make the tasks ...

Microsoft Aims for Dominance of 3rd, 4th Screens

Microsoft is like the earth. When it moves, people notice. Among the Redmond, Wash., softzilla's recent maneuvers are its purchase of Massive Inc., of New York City, and its imminent -- if The Wall Street Journal is to be believed -- acquisition of Third Screen Media, of Boston. Massive provides a p...

Convergence Driving Tech Mergers, Study Says

Digital convergence -- the marrying of computer, communications and entertainment technologies -- is driving mergers and acquisitions among technology companies, according to a report released Tuesday by PricewaterhouseCoopers. The report, part of a series of surveys being conducted by the accountin...

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