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Results 361-380 of 404 for Parks Associates

Console Combatants Face Off at E3

Microsoft's message on console price is unlikely to hit core gamers and enthusiasts, who are more conscious of hardware improvements and performance than cost, Parks Associates Director of Broadband and Gaming Michael Cai told TechNewsWorld "The early adopters know the value,"...

Sony Reveals Launch Details for Playstation 3 Console

Both companies have worked to innovate the user interface of console gaming and to incorporate physics and motion sensing, Parks Associates Director of Broadband and Gaming Michael Cai told TechNewsWorld Two-Pronged Pricing...

Nintendo Hopes to Score With DS Lite

While Nintendo's original Game Boy found its greatest audience among young gamers, the space is now opening up to more young adults, business people and older, casual gamers,Parks Associates Director of Broadband and Gaming Michael Cai told TechNewsWorld Reporting that there a...

UWB Standards Breakdown Impedes Product Progress

A rift between the different factions had been ongoing for a few years and eventually led some vendors to abandon their efforts to craft an IEEE standard. "One would think that with all that was at stake, vendors would have been able to forge a compromise, but that did not turn out to be the case," said Kurt Scherf, a vice president with market research firm Parks Associates...

Sony Cuts PS2 Price Ahead of PS3 Release

There is a growing market for the PS2, as well as for the original PlayStation and older consoles and games, Parks Associates Director of Broadband and Gaming Michael Cai told TechNewsWorld PS2 Is Number One...

Sony Sets the Stage for PS3 Online Play

Sony President Phil Harrison's keynote at GDC -- complete with screens of digital fish swimming and aerial flying -- was "amazing," according to Parks Associates Director of Broadband and Gaming Michael Cai, who said the line for the talk went around the building "They're prom...

Microsoft, Epic Strike Deal for Music, Video Content for Xbox Live

Parks Associates estimates the online gaming market was worth about $1.6 billion in 2005 and is on track for steady growth for the next several years, reaching $4 billion -- making it larger than online music -- by 2010. Much of that growth is expected to come soon "This year...

Sony Puts Itself Under Pressure With PS3 Delay

"If you have to delay, you better make it a big bang once it comes out," Michael Cai, director of broadband and gaming for Parks Associates, told TechNewsWorld. "If Sony is smart, I suspect they'll do that." In addition to Blu-ray DVD technology, analysts speculated that issue...

S2 to Offer Online-Only Distribution for ‘Savage 2’ Game

Indeed, 42 percent of U.S. households have broadband Internet access, according to Parks Associates Lowering the Barriers...

Internet Subscriber Growth May Be Stalling, Report Suggests

Most households that are not on the Web already have little intention of logging on. So says a study released by market researcher Parks Associates on Friday The study found few new households willing to subscribe to Internet services, which, the study predicted, would limit 2...

Can Amazon Take On iTunes?

Would-be competitors keep on trying, lured by the rapidly growing online entertainment market. U.S. consumer spending for on-demand gaming, music and video services will grow by 260 percent in the next five years, according to "Digital Lifestyles: 2006 Outlook," a new study from Parks Associates. Revenues will grow from US$2.4 billion in 2006 to nearly $9 billion in 2010...

Atari’s Future in Question After Q3 Loss, CFO Departure

Once a bright star on the video game playing field, Atari and other North American game publishers are suffering at the end of the five-year console refresh cycle. It is typical during such cycles to see minimal sales during the first and fifth years, Parks Associates Director of Broadband and Gaming Michael Cai told the E-Commerce Times...

Gamers Play Big in DVD Format Fight

Parks Associates senior analyst Michael Cai agreed, telling TechNewsWorld he believes gamers will be influential because video game consoles, unlike high-definition DVD players, are subsidized by game sales. High-definition graphics and quality also happen to be of utmost importance when it comes to the overall gaming experience and consumer motivation...

Dreaming of a WiFi Christmas

Another factor is the prevalence of wireless LANs among consumers. In fact, this networking option became the primary way of connecting smart device in 2005: Parks Associates found that 52 percent of U.S. households now have WiFi home networks compared to 50 percent relying on wired Ethernet...

Dell Gets Serious With Fun and Games

Parks Associates senior analyst Michael Cai told TechNewsWorld that although PC gaming software sales are down, there is still an audience of core gamers who spend significant amounts of time and money updating their gaming PCs, something that cannot be done with consoles over their lifetime of about five years...

New MPEG Standard Starts to Take Shape

As MPEG4 H.264's impact on the video market expands, its tentacles are reaching out to other market sectors. "Sony has already started to integrate MPEG 4 H.261 support into its Playstation game console," noted Parks Associates' Scherf Apple Computer has added H.264 support to...

Microsoft Reveals Details of Xbox 360 Packages

"With the $399 options, there is no competition with the older generation consoles," Parks Associates senior analyst Michael Cai told TechNewsWorld. "They're taking that window and saying we're first, we think we're better -- why not charge a little more?" Surprise to Many...

Microsoft Unveils Xbox 360 Packages, Pricing

"With the $399 options, there is no competition with the older generation consoles," Parks Associates senior analyst Michael Cai told TechNewsWorld. "They're taking that window and saying we're first, we think we're better -- why not charge a little more?" Xbox 360 Times Two...

Sony, Microsoft May Take Console Losses for Gaming Wins

Parks Associates analyst Michael Cai told TechNewsWorld the costs of producing the PlayStation were greater than the costs of making the Xbox, mainly because the PS3 has Blu-ray high-definition DVD support and because Sony uses the Cell processor, which is also more expensive than the Power PC processor used in Xbox 360...

Sony Tests Copy-Protected CDs

"The fact is, except for a handful of crooks who really want to make a profit from pirated CD sales, the majority of consumers are innocent and the rights control prescribed by the DRM adequately satisfies their needs," Harry Wang, research analyst, Parks Associates, told TechNewsWorld. "If the control on CDs is reasonable and considerate of consumers' usage patterns, with other incentives, such as bonus features or reduced pricing, I don't believe consumers will continue to balk at it in the long run."

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