
Results 881-900 of 904 for Jay Lyman.

European Union Pursues Microsoft on Abuses

Referring to new evidence in its investigation of Microsoft's anticompetitive practices, the European Union's commission has offered the software company one last opportunity to respond before pursuing remedies. The European Commission, which has conducted an antitrust probe of Microsoft for about f...

IBM and SuSE Achieve Security Cert for Linux

The next major step for Linux might be to penetrate higher-security computing environments, primarily in government and financial services, thanks to a certification achieved by an open-source configuration from SuSE and IBM. Calling it "the first ever security certification of Linux," Big Blue and ...

Denial-of-Service Attack Brings Down Microsoft

A denial-of-service attack that took down Microsoft's Web site two days after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security warned of a widespread Windows vulnerability is being investigated by the Redmond, Washington-based software company and law enforcement officials. Microsoft has some clues as to th...

MiMail E-Mail Worm Spreads Quickly

An e-mail worm posing as a system administrator message was rapidly spreading over the Internet as workers returned to the office Monday and unwittingly contributed to its proliferation by opening attachments. The worm, dubbed "MiMail," indicates to receivers that their e-mail account will soon expi...

Intel Partners with Wave Systems to Put Security Into Chips

Security will move farther from the fallible hands of users and closer to the heart of the computer with a deal announced by Intel and Wave Systems. The deal will help bridge the gap between hardware and software protection. Chip giant Intel will use software from Lee, Massachusetts-based Wave Syste...

Sun and SuSE Ally on Java, Linux

Users of Sun Microsystems' hardware will now have another open-source software option thanks to an alliance between Sun and SuSE. Sun will sell and support SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 on Sun's x86 systems. According to the deal, SuSE will become a Java 2 Standard Edition licensee and will distrib...

SBC Fights Back over RIAA Subpoenas

After receiving nearly 200 subpoenas to turn over information about users of its Internet service, communications giant SBC has filed suit against the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), calling the subpoenas a misapplication of copyright law. In a U.S. District Court complaint, filed ...

Sun’s Solaris Update Includes Open-Source Option

The latest update to Sun Microsystems' Solaris operating system includes the option of using the open-source Gnome desktop interface, but the network computing giant is still sending mixed signals on open source and Linux, according to industry analysts. After all, the default user interface will st...

Split Decision on SCO Impact, Response

The perceived impact of the Linux licensing claims from Unix software maker SCO on enterprise use of the open-source OS, much like the recommended response to SCO, is split, according to industry analysts. The legal posturing in the dispute, which began when SCO filed suit in March against IBM, clai...

SGI Unveils Update to OpenGL Graphics Spec

Enhancements to the OpenGL application programming interface will mean faster rendering and more realistic graphics in conjunction with the latest graphics hardware, according to SGI, which has unveiled the OpenGL 1.5 specification. SGI and the OpenGL Architecture Review Board said the 1.5 update in...

Published Code Exposes Windows Flaw

Nine days after Microsoft warned of a widespread Windows flaw, a program to exploit it has been published online by a group based in China, representing one of the shortest times between warning and worm. The exploit code, published by a group known as Xfocus, is not technically a worm itself, but i...

IBM Pushes Linux in Face of SCO Suit

Despite SCO's claims that IBM is using SCO source code in its Linux products, Big Blue is offering Linux for free to customers who are using its pSeries servers. The giveaway of a free license for SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8, limited to one per customer, might just be a marketing ploy, but it mig...

Sprint Releases New Phone-Enabled Pocket PC

Sprint has unveiled a Windows Mobile-based PCS phone -- developed by Hitachi -- that touts the familiarity of the Microsoft Windows computing environment and the ability to communicate and connect to the Internet in a single, converged device. The Hitachi G1000 combines the Pocket PC Phone Edition o...

SCO Takes Linux Licensing Fight Further

Despite skepticism from several Linux supporters, Unix software maker SCO has reiterated its claims that the Linux kernel -- versions 2.4.x and later -- incorporates the company's own proprietary source code. SCO has called on Linux users to purchase licenses to avoid copyright infringement. Lindon,... Debuts Legit Music Downloads – Strings Attached

A new legal music download service for PCs has been unveiled, boasting the largest legitimate online catalog of songs to date, but still might be hampered because it lacks the freedom offered by free file-sharing networks, experts said. Aliso Viejo, California-based will se...

ISP Subpoenas from RIAA Met with Protest

Responding to recent judicial and legislative efforts to sue and prosecute users of peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, opponents of the Recording Industry Association of America are calling for protests. The RIAA recently moved forward on its threat to sue individual users of popular P2P networks b...

Samsung Unveils Fastest Mobile CPU on the Market

Korean electronics giant Samsung has announced a new mobile processor with a clock speed of up to 533 MHz. The company called the new processor the "world's fastest mobile CPU" and promised it will offer new functions and services for mobile phones and PDAs. Aberdeen Group chief research officer Pet...

Transmeta Readies New ‘Astro’ Chip

Transmeta has announced it is on track to release its newest processor, the TM8000, this fall. The company is aiming the new processor, codenamed "Astro," at mainstream notebook computers and a wide range of portable power- and heat-sensitive form factors. The new chip represents a dramatic change i...

Networks Under Attack Following Cisco Router Flaw

A software flaw in routers discovered by networking giant Cisco has forced Internet carriers and others to apply fixes quickly before attackers cause network outages by exploiting the vulnerability. Exploit code that takes advantage of the flaw was released early Friday morning, and networks using t...

New Bill Makes File Swapping a Felony

Legislation introduced into the U.S. Congress this week would make uploading a file to a peer-to-peer network a felony with penalties of up to $250,000 in fines and five years in prison. The bill, sponsored by Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (D-Michigan) and Rep. Howard Berman (D-California), is aimed at clo...

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